Jessica Stratmann-Behr
Mediator, culture and media trainer, editor
For many years I have been dealing with interpersonal communication, feedback culture and content delivery in various professional contexts. Strengthening the participants in all these fields has been an important key to success wherever the path of discovery leads us.
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Katherina Schmidt
Mediator and graduate architect
From my many years of work as an architect I am aware of the complexity of correlations that are decisive for the success of a construction or refurbishment project. In addition to the diverse technical and regulatory requirements, it is above all people in their roles as those who commission, plan and carry out the construction project, who can either advance or endanger it.
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Susanne Rosmer
Mediator and graduate interpreter
In both of my fields of work, mediation and interpreting, I have a mediating function and support people in understanding each other - be it at the language, cultural or interpersonal level. I offer mediation, consultancy and facilitation of discussions in German, English and Spanish.
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